So it has been a little over a week since GW2's launch. This is counting my extra days because I pre-purchased.
And I must state that I am satisfied with the game.
The problem that irked me the most, the female caster armor, looks as if it has been addressed. The starting gear is still that atrocious bikini miniskirt lacy underwear number. But as soon as I was able to level up the tailoring craft, the outfit turned into a harem dance girl outfit. Still a little squicky but not as bad as the mini skirt. Later on a quest reward gave me an even better looking shirt with fuller coverage. The character still looks sexy but just not the stripper-in-search-of-a-venue look. I'm hoping that as the character levels there will be a consistency in the gear.
The game has been crowded beyond imagination from the first day I logged in. Most thought that the majority of players were the pre-purchase crowd and things would be smooth for actual launch day. The auction house was down for the majority of the headstart. Which most overlooked since the game had not officially launched. So I know that I was hoping that it would be up for opening day.
It was not.
In fact I think the game developers miscalculated how popular the game would be. They were happy with the pre-purchase numbers and most likely did not count upon fence sitters (after all you can't hope for hypothetical crowds). But it turned out that they showed up in greater numbers due to word of mouth. I think I've spent more time on overflow servers than I have on the server that I chose to play on. Even though the overflow servers were created to address large crowds and forestall the need to add extra servers (which may go empty a few weeks down the line), this nice solution groaned under the weight of all the players. I heard of tales of disconnects, crashes and groups being split up due to being sent to different overflow servers. The auction house has not been up yet. ArenaNet has not opened up its forums so a true account of player discontent or lack of it is unknown. However they did bite the bullet and started to add more servers.
Personally I haven't experienced any major problems. The AH being down is inconvenient but not game breaking. What would concern me would be actual problems with character attacks. But unlike SWTOR that suffered from ability delay, GW2 is blessedly free of that problem. The attacks are just as smooth as the ones in World of Warcraft. Which is a very genuine achievement and it is practically the only game that has come close to that gold standard.
To conclude, I'm very happy with the game. I can see myself spending time in its world more than I planned.
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