Eve Online, yeah, EO. *sighs and shakes head*
What do you think about when this game is mentioned? Spaceships? Space? Wild scandals in which players gang up on other players in order to make them commit suicide? More scandal in which a popular blogger (Mintchip) was hired as community manager by CCP and led to slander and pillaging of her character? Ayn Rand idol worship?
So having only 4% of the player base claim to be female is surprising?
Although CCP claims not to worry about this minuscule number, I have a feeling that they do anyway. Why? Because, even though most male gamers don't admit it, any game that attracts a large female player base makes money. Lots and lots of money. Really, what developer would turn up their nose at money?
So now CCP has a hit a wall with subscriptions and their mostly male player base holds part of the blame. But still the majority of the blame is due to CCP's lax policing of outrageous behavior. They don't govern against harassment, threats, cheating (in fact their own devs took part in early cheating scandals), the list goes. The player government had that famous scandal with the Goon Squad suicide campaign. I haven't looked into what happened to Mintchip, but I've seen the comments on her recent vlog post and they weren't nice.
I do have to say that the hiring of Mintchip is due to CCP holding out a tentative hand to female players. Mintchip has a fun vlog and she is one of the few female gamers who is very enthusiastic about EVE Online and it's sister game DUST. At times I have been leery about Mintchip's giggly female persona but I never thought that she wasn't serious about her gaming hobby or the games she enjoyed. The reason for my hesitant support was not because of jealousy over a younger, pretty female gamer but because her behavior was bound to attract misogynist male gamers of every age. It also made me angry that I even had to worry about this, because it shouldn't matter if Mintchip wanted to be flirty. She is young and pretty and has every right to enjoy being so. But now she is accused of sending sexy photos to someone for game money. Is it true? Don't know. More likely it was embellished by jealous male gamers to get her fired. Even it if was true, SO FUCKING WHAT! None of us know the details except for the stories spewed on game boards and youtube comments from a bunch of men screaming like sexually frustrated, hysterical Church types.
I'll be pissed if CCP folds for these screechers. Seriously these men need someone to get Freudian on their asses.
Anyway besides the previous story, why doesn't Eve Online attract women?
Is it because the avatars are just spaceships? Partially, I've written about that in previous posts. But not totally.
Is it the PvP? There are plenty of women who enjoy PvP. My friend who got me into games (WoW) played on a PvP server and she enjoyed it immensely. I, myself, loved WAR to death.
You know why it doesn't attract women? Take a look of that screenshot in the header that I've included with this post. Look at that godawful UI. I mean seriously. You want another gander at it? Look at an official screenshot of it.
Holy CRAP! What the hell is going on in there? It literally takes a few weeks to learn all the menu and sub-menu systems. There has to be a better way.
How do you drive your ship? Do you see it on that nightmare of a UI? Nope.
Another reason, there is no codified attempt to guide the player into missions or crafting. After the tutorial (which is better than when I first signed up), the new players are left high and dry. The developers figured that the rest of the training would be completed by the many player corporations in the game. Which considering the bullying scandals, is laughable.
The questing....whatever there is of it, is enjoyable. However, and a BIG however, whatever questing there is in the game is spotty, ridiculously arcane and purposely obscure. Even if a player manages to follow the quests/agent missions in the game, there is a ridiculous jump in skill levels. Since the game does not label its levels or allows easy tracking of skills, it is possible for a player to accept a mission that they cannot complete but won't know it until they accept the mission. That leads to the PvE faction that gave the quest to permanently ban the player from future quests. Nice.
I won't get into the crazy that is mining/crafting. The UI doesn't even tell you how to fly your ship much less how to mine.
Whatever. I would say to CCP, if you want to attract female players do the following:
1 - Properly police your user base in game and out (forums), even the popular players/corporations.
2 - Clean up that UI
3 - Ban obscurity in everything. The mechanics of every feature must be transparent. It isn't dumbing down. Believe me, the main features of the gameplay can stay as is without alteration. But it is not shameful to allow the player to easily understand how, why and what.
I have a feeling though, that CCP has painted themselves into a corner. Any change would alienate the players they have, but no change will continue to keep females out of the game.
1 comment:
maybe you should try to take a closer look befor writing such a blog.
there are lots of other blogs and stuff out there which cover the whole thing pretty good.
and so on. some of her nude pics are not so hard to find if you doubt that story^^
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